Insuneo, the insurance broker for VATEL students

Your needs, your protection

Select the policy you’re looking for and fill in your personal details in just 3 minutes! Insuneo will select the best insurance offer to suit your needs and budget.

Our insurance offers for VATEL students

At Insuneo, we understand the specific needs of hospitality students, and we’re here to help you choose and analyse the best insurance for your situation.

Medical cover France - International students

From €12.82/month

Are you a foreign student coming to France to study at VATEL? Insuneo offers you extensive cover to guarantee you optimum protection during your stay in France.

The benefits

International management and a multilingual support team.

Access to free teleconsultations, available 24/7.

Reimbursement of medical and hospital expenses abroad, with no out-of-pocket expenses.

Simplified management of your claims.

International Health Insurance

From €29/month

For VATEL students going abroad, our international health insurance plan offers comprehensive health cover for all your adventures around the world. Stay protected, wherever your adventures take you.

The benefits

Full medical cover and reimbursement of medical and hospital expenses abroad.

Access to a vast network of international healthcare professionals.

24/7 emergency assistance and repatriation.

Home / Property insurance

From €10/month

Home insurance is essential to protect your student accommodation against the unexpected: water damage, fire, theft, too many drinks… When you take out our VATEL home insurance for students, you benefit from comprehensive cover for your home, your personal belongings and your civil liability.

The benefits

Full protection for your home and personal belongings.

Cover in the event of a claim: fire, water damage, theft, etc.

Optional coverage for theft outside your home.

Civil liability for all residents, including flatmates.

Why choose Insuneo for my insurance?

Insurance for all profiles, simple and online

Prévention Insuneo Entreprise

Free analysis

Our team of experts will analyze your insurance needs without any charge to help you choose the right cover for your profile.

Négociation émoji

Competitive offers

We compare over 40 insurance companies to offer you the best rates and cover on the market.

A simplified process

Insuneo takes care of the whole process of cancelling and activating your policy for you.

Digital subscription

Subscribe to our insurance policies quickly online and manage all your policies on your personalised digital platform.

A dedicated advisor for Vatel students

Guillaume de Froment

Directeur Général Insuneo

Your local partner

Our agency in Bordeaux is open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Insuneo in figures


More than 40,000 travelers with travel insurance.

0 M

A portfolio worth around €17 million.


More than 40 partner insurers.


Serving over 70 nationalities.


Over 10 years’ international experience.

Do you have any questions?

As a student registered with the Assurance Maladie, you are not obliged to take out additional health cover, but it is strongly recommended.

In France, Social Security reimburses part of your healthcare costs. However, this reimbursement is often not enough to cover all expenses.

Health insurance supplements the Social Security reimbursements, which reduces the remaining health costs you have to pay. This includes medical consultations, medicines, dental and optical care, and much more.

Without supplementary cover, you risk having to pay high costs in the event of illness or accident.
So taking out a health insurance policy will help you manage your healthcare costs more effectively and avoid unpleasant financial surprises!


Yes, as a student, you can remain covered by your parents’ health insurance until a certain age, generally 25. However, this depends on the conditions of your parents’ insurance company. Check the details with them or contact their health insurance company directly to confirm. If they no longer cover you, don’t hesitate to contact our team to find the health insurance that meets your needs!


There are several reasons why it is important to take out health cover in France:

Reimbursement of medical expenses: Social Security only reimburses a portion of health expenses. A health insurance supplements these reimbursements, to avoid having to pay too much.

Access to care: You have access to quality care for all your needs, without having to worry about the cost.

Prevention: Some health insurers offer prevention services (vaccinations, screening) free of charge or at a reduced cost.

Peace of mind: You’re covered in the event of an accident or unexpected illness, without having to pay large sums.


A student’s health insurance reimburses various types of treatment to supplement the Social Security reimbursements. The main types are :

  • – Medical consultations: General practitioners and specialists.
  • – Medicines: Additional reimbursement for prescribed medicines.
  • – Dental care: consultations, routine care, prostheses, orthodontics.
  • – Optical care: glasses, contact lenses, consultations with an ophthalmologist.
  • – Hospitalisation: Hospital charges, doctors’ fees, fixed hospital rate.
  • – Paramedical care: physiotherapy, sessions with a psychologist (depending on the contract).

Here are some examples of common healthcare costs:

Arm fracture, ankle sprain, ligament pain, etc.
The cost of an initial consultation with a private orthopaedic surgeon varies from €50 to €100. The Social Security reimbursement rate is €23. Without a health insurance policy, the additional cost to the patient can range from €27 to €77.

Wisdom teeth operation
Assurance Maladie reimburses the cost of wisdom teeth extraction at 70% of the reimbursement base. This is set at €209 for the extraction of 4 wisdom teeth under general anaesthetic, giving a reimbursement of €143.60.
If you do not have a health insurance policy, you will have to pay a minimum of €65.4 (depending on any extra fees).

Dental crown following decay
The national average price for a dental crown following decay is €554. The Assurance Maladie reimburses 70% of the reimbursement base, which is set at €120. If you do not have a health insurance policy, you will have to pay at least €482 out of pocket.

Consultation with a psychologist
The average cost of a consultation with a psychologist is around €50 to €70 per session.

Psychologists can be reimbursed by the French Social Security system as part of the « Mon soutien psy » programme. Assurance Maladie offers a psychological support service of up to 7 sessions. This is available to adults and children, subject to certain conditions.

Apart from this programme, the Assurance Maladie does not reimburse consultations with this type of specialist, so the cost of the consultation is borne entirely by the patient.

Some mutual insurance companies cover part of the cost of psychological consultations, such as the first session, reimbursed at €60, and 5 sessions per year, reimbursed at €40.


The contraceptive pill may be reimbursed, but this depends on the type of pill and your health insurance. We’ll explain in 3 points:

  • – Of the many pills available on the market, 12 are currently reimbursed.
  • – Some 1st and 2nd generation contraceptive pills are reimbursed at 65% by Social Security.
  • – Since January 2022, certain pills have been reimbursed at 100% on medical prescription for young women under the age of 26.

If your contraceptive pill is not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie, or is only partially reimbursed, your mutual insurance company may reimburse the remainder, depending on your contract.

Find the list of pills reimbursed and not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie on Zava.


For the vast majority of French health mutuals, cover abroad is not included. In the very rare cases where your French health insurance includes cover abroad, it is unfortunately not complete and does not adapt to the higher financial costs of certain countries. Health costs are more expensive in Canada than in Italy, for example.

For your stay abroad, we therefore advise you to subscribe to a medical cover abroad, so that you are protected throughout your stay from major health costs in the event of illness or accident. Take advantage of the third-party payment network of health insurance abroad for 0 advance payments and quick, simple reimbursements.


Medical costs can vary considerably from one country to another:

In France, you should expect to pay :

EUR 25 for a general practitioner’s consultation
EUR 365 for a day in hospital
EUR 4,346 for an appendicitis operation

In the United States, costs are higher, at :

– USD 210 for a general practitioner’s consultation
– USD 2,424 for a day in hospital
– USD 46,230 for an appendicitis operation

In South East Asia, medical costs can be as high as :

– USD 81 for a general consultation
– USD 540 for a day in hospital
– USD 10,876 for an appendicitis operation


Personal liability is the obligation to repair the damage you cause to others. If the damage is significant, it can be very expensive. You may also have to compensate for non-material damage you have caused!

Example of personal liability: I break something in a shop, I spill my coffee on someone’s laptop, I accidentally hurt someone in the street…

It’s in these situations that personal liability insurance comes into play. In this case, it is the insurance company that pays to compensate the victim on your behalf, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy.


There are exclusions, whatever the contract! And yes, personal liability cover does not cover damage caused :

– Intentionally
– by the use of a motor vehicle, boats or air sports
– While carrying out professional activities at home
– To you or your family


Home insurance: Personal liability covers damage you may cause to others (for example, water damage affecting your neighbour).

Personal liability insurance: If your home insurance policy does not include personal liability cover, you can take out this cover via a specially dedicated policy.


If you have a driving licence but don’t have a car, you don’t necessary have to be added to your parents’ car insurance policy, but there are several advantages:

Occasional driving: If you sometimes drive your parents’ car, being added to their policy as a secondary driver ensures that you’re covered in the event of an accident, with no additional excess.

Accumulate bonuses: By being registered on your parents’ contract, you can start to accumulate bonuses for good driving. These bonuses will enable you to benefit from discounts on your own car insurance later on.

Check the terms of your parents’ insurance contract and discuss the best option with them.


Yes, if you have a driving licence and a car, you are obliged to have car insurance in France. But why?

1. It’s a legal obligation: French law requires all vehicle owners to have at least third-party insurance. This covers any damage you might cause to others in the event of an accident.
2. For financial protection: Car insurance protects you financially in the event of an accident, theft, fire or damage to your car.
3. For your safety: Car insurance gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you’re covered if anything goes wrong.

Without insurance, you risk severe penalties, including fines, suspension of your licence and having your vehicle impounded.


As a tenant, you are obliged to have home insurance. Here’s why:

1. It’s a legal obligation: The law requires tenants to take out home insurance, at least for third-party liability. This covers any damage you might cause to your home (fire, water damage, etc.).
2. For your personal protection: Home insurance also protects your personal possessions (furniture, clothes, computers) against risks such as theft, fire or water damage.


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